Renewable Energies

The three musicians Geothermie, Windkraft and Solarpower, known as electronical pop-group Erneuerbare Energien (Renewable Energies) who are spread all over rural and urban Germany and Switzerland formed in 2014 on the basis of mutual interests and creating international networks to let energy flow over borders and boundaries. Their sound ranges in the wide voltage field from ambient to punk.

Their turbine-powered live shows at best transform into an energetically self-sufficient, ever heavily clocked and reliable unit within the chaos. Thus, Erneuerbare Energien (Renewable Energies) operate and impose their effect in an area of enlightened metaphysics, realizing the utopia in front of our very eyes.

Their upcoming single Supermodern Lovesong, out March 17, is a love letter to the future, the right of self-invention and love in itself- a beguiling pop song using the drums as a lead instrument and- uncharacteristically- sung in English. On that agenda-setting note, Erneuerbare Energien (Renewable Energies) sound the bell for their forthcoming debut LP.

Photo: Gerland Oye


  • Single Tesserakt / Erneuerbare Energien 2016
  • Single Supermodern Lovesong / Trolle in Brickeln 2017, out 17th March